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Bazi Destiny Analysis Service

BaZi is commonly known as the Four Pillars of Destiny, which is undoubtly the most popular of Chinese fortune telling methods, and the most accessible one. Bazi has many variants in practice and the most popular one called "Ziping Bazi" 子平八字, which is invented by Master Hsu,Chi-Ping. Generally it involves taking four components of time, the hour of birth, day, month and year. The Four Pillars are then analyzed against the Day master(日主), the Heavenly Stem for the Day pillar. Bazi tells one about his or her destiny in life, current situation and areas for most successful occupation.

Mr. Cooper Chang is well known expert on Bazi fortune telling in Taiwan. Knowing yourself, your strengths or weaknesses through Bazi expert means that you can make the best of what is given to you by destiny, or the factors present at the time of your birth.

If you would like to know more about your life, relationship, job, investment or health, Mr. Cooper Chang will explain your Bazi destiny chart and give you powerful insights into the best timing, the best opportunities and the best relationships in your life. Strategizing your life and achieving your goals.

Wherever you are, our service is worldwide. Please email us at cooper18@ms78.hinet.net and kindly leave following info,

1.Name and country


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