目前分類:易經占卜,Plum Blossom Oracle (11)

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Regarding to the metaphysics, I Ching teaches us 3 abstract concepts: change, easy, and non-change.
Regarding to the physics, I Ching teaches us 3 concrete images: number, philosophy and phenomenon. Now, how can we take use of these 3 images?

1. Number:
To use the numbers from Lo Shu and Ho Tu to make prediction for people’s future. According to Chinese legends, the pre-historic Emperor Yu wanted to control the disasters of rivers but useless; suddenly, a turtle came to the river Lo which carried a square picture, and there’re some numbers on the square. For Lo Shu, Lo means the name of river; Shu means book or picture. At the same time, a dragon horse (in the traditional Chinese, dragon is a lucky symbol) came from the Yellow River and carried another picture with different numbers. For Ho Tu, Ho means the name of Yellow River, Tu means the picture. It is said that these numbers and pictures help the Emperor Yu controlled the disasters from rivers. Since then, many of Chinese fortune-tellers believe that the numbers have a kind of magic power and use them to predict the destiny of people.

2. Philosophy:
“Everything is changing gradually in the universe” and “Nothing can maintain forever without changing.” are the main concepts in I Ching. From the modern history point of views, we can see that it is true. The general trend is that there is bound to be unified after prolonged division; division after prolonged unification. For example, the East Germany & West Germany (unification in 1990), the South Vietnam & North Vietnam(unification in 1976), the South Korea & North Korea, and China & Taiwan. Especially for the two sides of Taiwan Strait, we strongly believe that two sides will be unified in the future because they have same cultures, same language and same living habits. The unification is the responsibility of two sides, and they just need time to understand each other by keeping talks and reducing bias. When timing is mature, two sides will be unified soon.

3. Phenomenon:
Chinese legends said that about 6,700 years ago, a man name Fu Xi who observed the operation of celestial sphere(the metaphysics) and saw all motion of creatures on the earth (the physics). Then he created Ba Gua (eight trigrams) to symbolize the phenomenon. Each trigram has a special meaning in it. They would ask the wise man in the tribe to use the art of divining to tell them the results before they went hunting or attending a war. And 3,200 years ago, the King Wen of Zhou Dynasty, being prisoned in You Li (name of place), he had enough time to mediate everything; at that time, the society was more complicated and diverse than the society of Fu Xi. So he used the 8 trigrams time 8 trigrams resulting in 64 hexagrams which can analyze, resolve, and predict the results of things and events of people. But very few people understood the meanings of hexagrams; until 2,500 year ago, Confucius writes 10 books (Ten Wings) to explain the compositions and meanings of hexagrams. It’s said that Confucius had been a middle-class officer in the Lu State, but the governor of Lu State did not appreciate Confucius, so he felt a little bit sad. One day, Confucius went to street to take a view and suddenly he saw a blind fortune teller sitting on the corner of street, and he asked the soothsayer about his future career. The soothsayer used the art of divination to take a hexagram Huo Shan Ru(No.56) hexagram; Huo means fire, Shan means mountain, Ru means traveling. The complete explanation of this hexagram is that the condition of career is like a volcano; up is a fire, down is a mountain and the result is traveling, so it can’t maintain for a long time. Further said, the current job is just so so, and it is impossible to get further promotion. According to the ancient book, Confucius cried immediately after he listened the result of the divination. Confucius doubted that, why the hexagram can make so precise prediction of people’s future, so he began to study I Ching and collected his comments to become 10 books (Ten Wings).


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From 2009, US has focused on three phases on Asia to maintain the stability, including military power, diplomacy, and economy.
The conflicts will come from the Senkaku Islands dispute or South China Sea Islands dispute.




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"I Ching" has been called the oldest Chinese classical text and the origin of Chinese philosophy as well; while some thought it is the most profound book among Chinese classical books because of its diverse, overarching contents with unfathomable state.  Therefore, someone also called it the "divine book."


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Taiwan Professional Chinese fortune telling services 
I Ching divination,Bazi destiny,Feng Shui,Name Change


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        "I Ching" has been called the oldest Chinese classical text and the origin of Chinese philosophy as well; while some thought it is the most profound book among Chinese classical books because of its diverse, overarching contents with unfathomable state.  Therefore, someone also called it the “divine book.”

        Actually, is “I Ching” really so difficult to understand?

As said, the Chinese word “I” in “I Ching” means lizard in hieroglyphs which just like the body and limbs of a lizard.  This kind of reptile will stay at trees silently and not be discovered easily because it will change and adjust its body color according to the change of surrounding environment.  So “I Ching” is also called a book of change literally.

Also, the upper part of the Chinese word of “I” in “I Ching” is the sun.  The light and heat radiated by the sun are the indispensable elements for growing all things in the universe.

Someone said, “I Ching” is a classic text easily to be understood because it directly presents the truth of the universe and phenomenon of the nature to us. 

According to historian textual as mentioned in “Baihutong“ written by Ban Gu in the Han Dynasty, the origin of “I Ching” was the human’s cultural remnants remained before Ice Age.  Through Fuxi, it was innovated and developed continuously.  By means of the simplest symbols of Yin and Yang, the universe and the laws of human evolution were explained.  This kind of law was called natural law.  From the simple to the complex, and then from the complex to the simple, observed the visible phenomenon from the invisible; observed the changing phenomenon from the visible phenomenon. Measured one phenomenon from hundred phenomenon.  Hundreds of phenomenon united in one phenomenon; while one phenomenon returned to no phenomenon. It's static and so subtle which can be realized, but difficult to explain

Regarding the creation of I Ching, Ban Gu had stated “The Way of the Changes is profound, remaining in use throughout the rule of the three sage rulers and three ancient ages.” The three sages meant Fuxi around 6,700 years ago; King Wen of Chou in approx. 3200 years ago and Confucius in 2500 years ago. More than three sages, the ideology of I Ching was the accumulated wisdom of sages generation to generation as well as the root of Chinese culture. The thinking of I Ching was not only about the discourse of idealism and materialism, but also covered the strategies of Moral Law, Heaven, Earth, Commander and Method as mentioned in The Art of War by Sun Tzu combined with the modern knowledge and wisdom to form the philosophy that deprivation leads to changes, changes in turn lead to finding a way out, and in turn becomes sustainable. 


*This article is written by Mr.Cooper Chang. The reproduced or reprint is prohibited.



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有人說,《易經》的易字就是蜥蜴的象形文字,易字頭上的日字,就有如蜥蜴的頭,而下面的勿字,就有如蜥蜴的身體和四肢,而蜥蜴就是我們俗稱的四腳蛇,這種爬蟲類,平時靜静的棲息在樹上,不仔細觀察,是不容易發現牠們的蹤跡. 因為他們善於運用自身的保護色,隨著氣候的變化,選擇停留在不同的樹上. 為了保護自身的安全,必須調整自己身體的顏色,來配合周圍環境的變化.



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孔子到了五十歲才開始研習易經,終日手不釋卷,竟然將串訂竹簡的皮帶弄斷了三次,最後終於撰寫出十本易經的參考書,後世稱之為「十翼」。包括彖辭上下傳,象辭上下傳,繫辭上下傳,序卦傳,說卦傳,雜卦傳,文言傳等十部參考書。弔詭的是,孔子在《論語》述而篇上, 不是說過,子不語怪力亂神? 在雍也篇也提到「務民之義,敬鬼神而遠之,可謂知矣。」? 孔子為什麼那麼推崇《易經》



其實孔子在50歲前並不了解易經,其志向在作官,以推行其理想中之治國之道,但是時運不濟,在魯國一直受到冷落。不得已求教於占卜者,占得易經第56卦的火山旅卦,卦辭上說 「旅,小亨,旅貞吉。」 占卜者斷言,所謂小亨,意謂難邀上寵而得位。孔子聽後,淚流不已,覺悟己道難行,乃有論語所謂 加我數年,五十以學易,可以無大過矣,於是認真專注研究易經,將原為卜筮的書,詳加註解,而豐富今日易經的主要內涵。






但是事實上,《易經》並不是那麼深不可測,沒有那麼神秘,它是科學的,它就在我們的身邊,我們每天的生活起居、工作事業、健康幸福,都受這六十四卦所閳述哲理的左右。所謂壓力, 是指你個人內在的能力無法管理,控制外在環境的變化,這就會構成壓力。在看完這本易經入門講義後,將深入淺出的讓你輕易了解到易經的哲理,如何運用在陽宅風水,姓名學,和占卜上,讓你在極短時間內, 就能掌握其精隨。加上實例說明,很快就能上手。


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易經內涵的就是五行和陰陽. 它觸及到宇宙萬物間相生相剋,互為消長之理,故不了解五行和陰陽之道,是很難窺命理之中幽玄精奧之機.










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我們就藉著太極圖上的陰與陽,嘗試把抽象的意念具體化,並用文字加以敘述。陽是用來描述事物的道理及其相互間的關係,並且是以動態的方式去解釋自然現象的發生、發展和變化規律。所以,陰陽的概念具有下列的特質 :


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